Deborah Green

I consult about and edit early stages of books, as a developmental editor. I did this for faculty at the University of Washington Medical School, and other books, including Aaron Dixon’s account of his experience as a leader with the Black Panther Party, and a book by Jerry Mander of San Francisco. I was manuscript editor at Ramparts magazine, assistant editor at Tesol Quarterly, and manuscript assistant to the Editor of the medical journal Epilepsia....

Pete Reider

These writings. produced in the last fifteen years, reflect the journey from work as a psychiatrist to retirement. I retired in 2003. I then became a member of the Osher Foundation Lifelong Learning Institute at Brandeis University and the Fromm Institute at the University of San Francisco. I have been trying to expand my ability to play, exploring my role as husband, father and grandparent. I wouldn’t say that humor is everything....

March 2, 2013

Janet Reider

Digital has replaced film. The Hasselblad snoozes on a closet shelf. I am more apt to capture aspects of people β€” young mothers in rapt conversation while their children argue over a plastic toy, the focused energy of men on a park bench talking politics and dedication of a sunbather on a bridge. There’s a lot more information about my work at

Jenny Sampson

My focus is with wet plate collodion (tintypes), traditional black and white photography, and commissioned portraiture. She is a member of the Rolls and Tubes Collective and acting Board President of the East Bay Photo Collective. There’s a lot more information about my work at

Matt Reider

I’m a 50-something software dad living in Vienna, Austria with my family. My travel blog and other writing can be found at

Charlotte Reider-Smith

My inspiration comes from the many layers of my life and the people around me. My work is sourced from photographs taken by me and my partner (both film photographers) of our lives together. There’s a lot more information about my work at